Sunday, November 15, 2009


Fires are recently the headlines of the different newspapers and news programs in Cebu. It is quite alarming because it happened 4 times, at least in October and thrice from Nov. 1 to Nov. 15. These fires left thousands and thousands of damages to a lot of its victims, almost over a hundred of them. Others not only lost their homes, businesses but also some of their loved ones. It is sad to think that until now the government fails to support these victims. They can even hardly relocate these people or at least give them a little financial support. But come to think of it, why do these fires almost occur to highly-populated areas? Whose fault are these?

Well. there are 5 major causes of fi
res in the Philippines. The first one of these are those caused by accidents such as leaving a curling iron on, an electric blanket, or a dropped cigarette or an electric heater too close to flammable material. Second, are caused by faulty electrical wiring. Third of these are caused by appliances that can short out like lamps, toasters and other older appliances and extension cords. To be safe, appliances should be unplugged when not in use. Fourth, are those caused by unattended stove or the burner being turned on. And the fifth, are those caused by children playing with matches. Source:

If a fire occurs in your home, your chances of survival will depend on how quickly and safety you are able to get out. What will you do if these fires occur in your home and in your neighborhood? Check these tips:

1. Avoid electrical overloading.

2. Unplug all electrical appliances after every use.

3. Check all electrical installations regularly.

4. Check gas stoves and LPG tanks for leaks.

5. Keep children away from flammable liquids, lighters and matches.

6. Avoid smoking in bed.

7. Ensure you have a pre-fire plan at your residence or office.

8. Do not leave lighted mosquito coils unattended.

9. Always take extra precautions while cooking.

10. Never leave lighted candles unattended.

11. Do not throw lighted cigar or cigarette butts on dried leaves and garbage.

12. Strictly obey the no smoking signs.

13. Maintain proper housekeeping to eliminate fire hazards.

14. Check fire protection gadgets or devices of appliances and equipment regularly.

15. Be fire-safety conscious.

Source: Red Cross Fire Safety Tips | 11/25/2008 12:16 PM

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